Monday, April 23, 2012

NOTD - Sunny Yellow

I've got one complaint about living in Chicago - the weather. I don't even mind the snow and the cold, I actually like it. The thing I don't like is when it insists on sticking around after it's worn out its welcome. We're almost at May, here, people, and it's still in the 40s! The sun keeps shining, though, so I wore Revlon Sunshine Sparkle, a sunny buttercup yellow with slight shimmer, to help urge summer along.

It seemed streaky at first, but it evened out after three coats. I LOVE the color, even though it's making my hands look lobster red in the photo! I swear it didn't look like that in real life! I just wish the shimmer had shown up a little bit more, but oh well.

Yellow nail polish has become something of an obsession for me as of late. I recently purchased a neon yellow from American Apparel that I plan to post soon. Would you wear yellow nail polish?

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- Becky